First Aid With Kev is a co-provider with  HealthCorp Pty Ltd.

Accredited Training is delivered on behalf of the RTO, Healthcorp Pty Ltd RTO ID 91222

               First Aid With Kev

            ABN: 56 819 028 704

            Ph: 0439666952

About First Aid with Kev (FAWK)

Kevin holds the following credentials/qualifications:-
Workplace Trainer Category 1.
Certificate IV in Workplace Training Category II.
Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training.
TAA40104 – Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
TAEASS502 – Design and develop assessment tools.
TAE40110 – Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
​HLT21015 - Certificate II in Medical Service First Response.

HLTWHS001 – Participate in workplace health & Safety.

CHCCOM005 – Communicate and work in health or community services.

CHCDIV001 – Work with diverse people.

HLTINF001 – Comply with infectious prevention and control policies and procedures.

HLTSS00068 - Occupational First Aid Skill Set

  • HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  • HLTAID010 – Provide basic emergency life support. 
  • HLTAID011 – Provide first aid.
  • HLTAID014 - Provide advanced first aid.
  • HLTAID015 – Provide advanced resuscitation and Oxygen therapy.
  • HLTAID016 - Manage first aid services and resoursces.

​HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
HLTAID010 – 
Provide basic emergency life support.
HLTAID011 – 
Provide first aid.
HLTAID012 - 
Provide first aid in an education and care setting.
HLTAID014 - 
Provide advanced first aid.
HLTAID015 – 
Provide advanced resuscitation and Oxygen therapy.
HLTAID016 - 
Manage first aid services and resoursces.
PUAEME005 - 
Provide pain management.
Skill Set – 22282VIC & 22300VIC - 
Course in the management of asthma risks and emergencies in the workplace.
VU21800 – 
Provide first aid management of anaphylaxis.
VU21801 – 
Develop risk minimisation and risk management strategies for anaphylaxis.
​VU21658 – 
Manage asthma risks and emergencies in the workplace.

Stryker 6100 M1 Stretcher (Ambulance Stretcher).
National Child Safety Awareness Training Course E-Learning 2021.
National Child Safety Awareness Training Course 1.5 hours Face to Face 2021.
Communicable Diseases.
Positional Asphyxia Awareness.
WHS Risk Management.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Envenomation, First aid treatment for snake bites.
Internal & External Bleeding, Crushing and Trauma.
Helicopter Rescue Operations.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Importance of CPR and Defibrillation.

UETDRRF004 - Perform rescue from a live Low Voltage panel.

(RAMOAP) “Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis Program” to Department of Education Schools in NSW

Certificate of Accreditation

Kevin Camberwell Has met the competencies required to present the “Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis Program” On behalf

of The NSW Anaphylaxis Education Program - Valid from 16/11/2023

Disclaimer: This certificate authorises the individual to conduct the RAMOAP sessions in NSW Department of Education schools only.

First Aid With Kev is an approved first aid vendor to NSW Department of Education - Vendor ​# 100482505.
HealthCorp Pty Ltd ​is also an Approved First Aid Provider to NSW Department of Education.

Kevin has been Nominated for the 2021 and 2022 NSW Vounteer of the year for the Central West.

Kevin has over 40 years experience administering and training first aid, Kevin was previously a trainer/assessor for the NSW Rural Fire Services, NSW State Emergency Services, NSW Government Justice Departments, Corrective Services NSW and is a current volunteer with St John Ambulance Services, NSW, Australia.
Kevin has developed his personal skills and has the necessary practical skills to administer first aid to casualties and to pass on this experience to you during your training.

All courses supplied by First Aid WIth Kev are Accredited Training and delivered on behalf of Healthcorp Pty Ltd RTO 91222.

Healthcorp supply the most current and up to date courses available with all ARC regulations and guidelines, so the training your getting is relevant to the current time and not years out of date like some providers.
These courses are available to clients and customers throughout the Portland, Lithgow, Mudgee, Gulgong, Oberon, Kandos, Ryalstone, Katoomba, Townships on the Western side of Blue Mountains, Bathurst, Blaney, Orange and Surrounding Districts.

If needed, courses can be tailored specifically to suit a variety of workplaces and situations to ensure the training received is relative to the context it would be used in from general first aid courses, which cover all common situations in the home, to courses suited to specific industrial environments.

HLTAID011 - Provide first aid:
The Provide First Aid course is the minimum requirement for workplace first aid compliance, providing students with the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s) and the incident until emergency qualified help arrives at the scene of the incident.
At the successful completion of the course you will be supplied with a statement of attainment which is valid for 3 years, the CPR component is recommended to be renewed annually (yearly)​

(USI number) Unique Student Identifier
​In order to receive a certificate for any accredited course, all students must have an Unique Student Identifier (USI).
You will need your USI to enrol in any course.
If you do not have a Unique Student Identifier you will need to create one.
​To do this follow the attached link:

First Aid With Kev provides:-

Group training or if needed 1 on 1 training

Courses are conducted onsite at your workplace or at mine

No prior payment required, Cash or Credit Card payments accepted on the day

Nationally recognised courses

Some after-hours courses available

Over 40 years training experience

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