Course Information
From minor household injuries such as paper cuts on fingers to more severe situations in industrial workplaces. First Aid With Kev offers first aid courses in the Lithgow, Bathurst, Orange, Wellington, Oberon, Mudgee, Gulgong, Kandos, Rylstone, and Sydney Metropolitan areas (as requested).
My nationally recognised first aid courses include:
HLTAID009: Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Price $80
This course covers the skills and knowledge required to perform Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.
CPR is a simple skill that really can be the difference between life and death, and it's one that everyone can, and should, be ready to perform.
Entry Requirements
HLTAID011: Provide First Aid Price $150
This course is the minimum requirement for employment and covers the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to infants, children, and adults.
It applies to educators and support staff working within an education and care setting who must respond to a first aid emergency, including asthmatic and anaphylactic emergencies.
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
With instruction and practical training in line with legal, workplace and community considerations, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies, this first aid course teaches the skills and knowledge to recognise emergencies and provide immediate and effective first aid treatment to any person suffering a sudden illness or injury.
The course covers assessing the casualty, providing safety, accessing emergency services, and using resources to provide first aid, such as providing CPR and using a Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
Administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, assisting someone choking, using appropriate immobilisation techniques for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, managing casualties with non-life-threatening bleeding and shock.
You will learn basic anatomy, physiology and the differences between adults, children and infants relating to CPR, the importance of the chain of survival, written and verbal reporting of incident details, reviewing incidents to improve own skills and response times, to recognise psychological impacts, and seeking help as required.
The following unit(s) are awarded to successful participants in this course.
The certificate will be issued by HealthCorp Pty Ltd - RTO 91222.
Entry Requirements
HLTAID012: Provide First Aid In An Education And Care Setting Price $160
This course covers the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to infants, children, and adults. It applies to educators and support staff working within an education and care setting who must respond to a first aid emergency, including asthmatic and anaphylactic emergencies.
HLTAID012 Provide First Aid in an Education and Care Setting
This course provides practical training for workers within an education and care setting to respond to first aid emergencies in line with legal and workplace requirements, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
It teaches how to identify illness or injury, access emergency services, safely provide first aid treatment using action plans, equipment, and resources, for CPR, defibrillation, administering an autoinjector for anaphylaxis, administering asthma medication, immobilisation for envenomation, fractures, dislocations, sprains, and strains, for bleeding and shock and other conditions.
You will learn basic anatomy, physiology and the differences between adults, children and infants relating to CPR, managing an infant or child with an acute illness, or who requires an immediate ambulance response and conveying incident details to parents, caregivers, and emergency services.
The course covers completing incident documentation and debriefing for improvement of response, recognising psychological impacts, talking with children about their emotions and seeking help as required.
If you are looking for group Education First Aid training, please contact Kevin for a quote.
The following unit(s) will be awarded to successful participants in this course.
The certificate will be issued by HealthCorp Pty Ltd - RTO 91222.
Entry Requirements
HLTAID014 - Provide Advanced First Aid Price $300
This course deals with the provision of advanced first aid response, life support, and management of casualties, the incident and other first aiders until the arrival of medical or further assistance, and provision of support to other providers. This unit builds on HLTAID011 to enable people to provide first aid to include additional skills and use of range of equipment.
HLTAID014 Provide advanced first aid.
Challenging situations, such as multiple casualty incidents, having to move or extricate casualties, or treating potentially fatal illnesses and injuries are high risk. It is imperative that training occurs to be able to know what to do when confronted with a real-life incident.
This course provides practical simulated real-life situations to learn and gain the confidence to coordinate and manage a response and provide advanced first aid in line with legal, community and workplace considerations, Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and other Australian national peak clinical bodies until emergency services arrive.
Instruction on basic first aid and CPR will be provided, as well as treatments specific to advanced conditions, such as hypothermia or hyperthermia, head, neck, and spinal injuries, using tourniquets and haemostatic dressings for life-threatening bleeding, and managing a casualty in shock.
The course covers recording casualty condition, completing workplace incident documentation and debriefing for recognising areas for improvement, psychological impacts, and seeking help as required.
Units Delivered
The following unit(s) will be awarded to successful participants in this course.
The certificate will be issued by HealthCorp Pty Ltd - RTO 91222.
The following units will be included in your certificate:
Course Delivery
Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
HLTAID015 -Provide Advanced Resuscitation & Oxygen Therapy Price $220
This course deals with the provision of advanced first aid resuscitation techniques, life support, management of casualties until the arrival of medical or other assistance, and support to other providers.
This course has a pre-requisite of HLTAID011 Provide First Aid which must be completed prior to undertaking this unit of competency.
HLATID015 Provide Advanced Resuscitation and Oxygen Therapy.
This Advanced Resuscitation course is delivered in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines and first aid code of practice and applies to those who may be required to provide first aid, CPR, and oxygen in a range of complex situations, including community and workplace settings.
Simulated real-life situations will be used to develop the skills and knowledge for using and maintaining specialised equipment for the provision of first aid, resuscitation, and oxygen therapy.
Instruction on first aid and CPR will be provided, as well as treatments specific to advanced conditions, such as inserting an appropriate basic airway adjunct, using tourniquets and haemostatic dressings for life-threatening bleeding, and administering oxygen safely at the correct flow rate.
The course covers recording casualty condition, conveying incident details, completing workplace incident documentation, and debriefing to recognise areas for improvement, psychological impacts, and seeking help as required.
Units Delivered:
The following unit(s) will be awarded to successful participants in this course.
The certificate will be issued by HealthCorp Pty Ltd - RTO 91222.
Assessment activities:
Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
This course should be undertaken by those in nominated occupational first aid or management roles who are required to establish, maintain, and facilitate the provision of appropriate first aid in the workplace.
Training will ensure participants can effectively undertake risk assessment as a basis for determining first aid resources, equipment, personnel, and facilities in line with safe work practices, first aid code of practice and relevant state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authority. This will include inspections of first aid kits and using checklists for stock ordering, use, recovery, maintenance, and storage.
Participants will learn to develop and maintain first aid action plans in consultation with relevant parties and take part in incident debriefing or evaluation to improve future operations and address individual needs.
Unfortunately, accidents happen, so the best we can do is ensure that we prepare to provide primary or specialised first aid if we are the first on the scene.
Each of us has a responsibility, to our family, colleagues and even strangers, to be able to act fast when accidents occur.
My courses are designed to provide extensive, invaluable knowledge which really can save lives.
HLTSS00068 - Occupational First Aid Skillset Price $600
Participants learn to develop and maintain first aid action plans.
They will consult with relevant parties, undertake a risk assessment, and establish, maintain, and facilitate appropriate first aid required.
They will follow the manufacturer's instructions and complete documentation, including checklists for stocking and maintaining equipment such as resuscitation, oxygen, and first aid kits.
PUAEME008 - Provide Pain Management Price $120
PUAEME008 Provide pain management course covers the appropriate knowledge and competency required to administer restricted analgesics (paracetamol and Methoxyflurane) to relieve pain, as a part of a medically supervised first responder organisation as well as the State/territory licensing procedures for the storage and administration of drugs apply to this unit.
Performance tasks and practical scenarios:
The face-to-face training is 5 hours and cover both theory and practical aspects.
(NEW) HLTAID009, UETDREL006 & UETDRMP007 (CPR, Work safely in the vicinity of electrical apparatus & LVR) - (Replaces Old UETDRRF004 LVR & CPR Course)
(Bookings by Appointment Only)
Price $260
(Replaces the Old Low Voltage Rescue with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – or LVR with CPR)
If your professional role involves working with live, low voltage switchboards, then knowing how to help someone after being electrocuted and perform a low voltage rescue (or LVR) is an essential workplace skill. The UETDRRF004 Perform rescue from a live LV panel course is specifically designed to provide all the skills and knowledge needed for just such an emergency – how to save someone’s life without putting your own at risk.
The course covers standard health and safety requirements for both workers and managers, and the requirements for LV rescue and how they apply in different roles.
The course includes the following units as part of the qualification – both of which the student will be certified in upon successfully completing the course.
While there are no specific qualifications needed to participate in the UETDRRF004 course, there are some basic physical and educational requirements. Participants will need to:
In order to comply with the guidelines of the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and all relevant government regulations and first aid codes of practice, our UETDRRF004 training participants must demonstrate their understanding of the following.
As part of a low voltage rescue training, participants must also demonstrate their skills in the following practical first aid tasks.
For the CPR component of the training, participants must be able to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the following.
The CPR component of the training also requires participants to demonstrate their practical skills in the following areas.
HLTAID010 Provide Basic First Aid Price: $110
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support course comprises both practical training plus face-to-face training hours. Providing both public and private training throughout Australia and New Zealand, Healthcorp’s professional industry trainers will teach you the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond to or manage an emergency situation. Learn to assess and provide first aid support to the sick and injured or the confidence to supervise the management and information control of work, health and safety requirements in the workplace.
Learning Objectives:
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support training provides the necessary skills required to provide a first aid response including life support and the management of any casualties on the scene as well as management of other first aiders. This course is recommended for those in charge of first aid in a workplace. The course comprises practical training plus face-to-face training hours.
The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks in line with state/territory regulations, first aid codes of practice, Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines and workplace procedures:
Followed DRSABCD in line with ARC guidelines, including:
Applied first aid procedures for the following:
Course prerequisites:
There are no prerequisites for the HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support course. Students must be at least 14 years of age at the time of attendance.
Important note:
In order to issue an accredited certificate, CPR must be performed on the floor with no exemptions.
Clothing: We suggest that you wear comfortable casual clothing, as the practical nature of the demonstrations and practice may possibly require bending, kneeling and lying on the floor. Pants and flat shoes are recommended.
Course Details:
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support course is available in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Australia-wide. The face to face training is 6.5 hours and covers both theory and practical aspects of basic emergency life support training. Students are required to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the course commencement or will be refused entry. There is a short multiple choice quiz at the end of the training covering the course theory learnt that day. Students will also be assessed on practical skills as a requirement to pass the course. Once completed, all students will receive a First Aid manual.
CPRANAASTHMA - B - CPR, Anaphylaxis & Asthma Blended Workshop (Price on Application) Maximum 20 per class.
(RAMOAP) “Recognition and Management of Anaphylaxis Program” to Department of Education Schools in NSW (Price on Application) Maximum 20 per class.
Course in First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis
Course in the Management of Asthma Risks and Emergencies in the Workplace
Price: $70 each or $110 Combined.
$160 Combined with CPR Refresher.
Course Description:
This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to enable them to assist a person suffering an anaphylactic reaction until medical assistance arrives.
Learning Objectives
Course Prerequisites:
Students must be at least 15 years of age at the time of attendance. There are no course prerequisites for Anaphylaxis training.
Course Details:
The face to face training is 2 hours and covers both theory and practical aspects of Anaphylaxis Training.
Students are required to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the course commencement or may be refused entry. Lunch is not provided at the course.
Qualification Issued:
On successful completion of the course participants will be issued with a Statement of Attainment for the nationally accredited course
Certificate Validity
The certificate is valid for 3 years from the completion date.
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
In order to receive a certificate for any accredited course, all students must have an Unique Student Identifier (USI). If you do not have a (USI) it is recommend that you create your USI before you book your course. You will need your USI to enrol.
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