Contact Details
ABN: 56 819 028 704
Kevin Camberwell
Mobile: 0439 666 952
Address: 9 Jamieson Street
Opening hours:
General bookings Monday to Friday
HLTAID009, 011 & 014 classes each Monday & Thursday
all other courses booked by appointment
9:00am –5:00pm
One Saturday each month as advertised
9:00am - 5:00pm
Areas serviced: Portland, Lithgow, Mudgee, Gulgong, Oberon, Kandos, Ryalstone, Bathurst, Orange, Blaney, Katoomba & surrounding districts and Sydney Metropolitan areas as requested.
Enquiry Form
Payment methods as listed below:
1./ Credit Card payment on site.
2./ Online bookings payments (Credit Card required for payment during booking).
3./ Direct Deposit to:
Bankwest BSB 302100
Account Number: 2855091
Account Name: Kevin Camberwell
(if using this option please enter your name as the reference)
4./ Cash, Point of Sale in Person on day of course.
Remember - the Provide First Aid course (HLTAID011) is the minimum requirement for workplace first aid compliance, providing students with the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other First Aiders until emergency qualified help arrives at the scene of the incident.
Don't forget, First Aid with Kev is fully mobile and able to provide courses at your place of work.
I can conduct on-site visits to assess risk and tailor the courses to suit your working environment.
First aid saves lives, act now and book a first aid course for you and your team today with First Aid with Kev!
Fully Accredited First Aid Training & Assessments conducted in partnership with HealthCorp Pty Ltd. RTO 91222